The rubbing alcohol helps the water in the ear evaporate, and the vinegar prevents bacteria from spreading. A solution of equal parts rubbing alcohol and vinegar Applying a couple of drops of this solution in the infected ear could help people suffering from repeat infections of swimmer’s ear (medically called otitis externa), which occurs when water gets stuck in the ear canal and bacteria grow.
One study found these drops to be just as effective as prescription drops. Herbal extract ear drops Drops containing allium sativum, verbascum thapsus, calendula flores, hypericum perforatum, lavender, and vitamin E in olive oil can help children suffering from a middle ear infection that requires active treatment (rather than simply waiting for the pain to diminish over time).“If there’s no swollen eardrum, may not cause any harm whatsoever.”
“It may soothe or it may not soothe,” she says.
Warm olive oil in the ear Chandrasekhar says there’s no proof this works but says it’s okay to try as long as the olive oil isn’t piping hot and there’s no hole in the eardrum. ( 3, 4) “People do the warm compresses simply to try to soothe, to try to draw out the inflammation,” Chandrasekhar says, adding that she does believe it can make people feel a little bit better. Then, lay it over the ear that’s infected for 20 minutes or so to lessen the pain. A warm water bottle held over the infected ear should also do the trick. A warm compress Hold a washcloth under warm water and squeeze it to release the extra water. Here are six at-home options that may provide some relief: Keep in mind, however, that research supporting these treatments is scarce, and it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before trying a new treatment. At least 1 in 10 people with ear pain reports having tried one or more types of alternative medicine before visiting their doctor. Given that, natural, at-home options may come in handy. “Overuse of antibiotics in society in general has caused this growth of bacteria that are now resistant to many types of antibiotics, so we’re trying to reel that back in ,” Dr. Maybe you’re not a fan of pain relievers or antibiotics and want to limit your or your child’s exposure to them.